Refinery29 partnered with Adidas and invited 10 artists to create designs celebrating each state’s diversity. Each artist was limited to the canvas of a white Adidas ULTRABOOST X running sneaker. Jordana loved this challenge as she was given the states of Delaware, New Mexico, Utah, Ohio, and Arkansas.

Jordana began by trying to learn everything she could about each state; interesting facts, flags, and natural wonders. She then decided to extract one unique pattern from each state and alter it. For example, she was in awe after looking at pictures of Bryce Canyon National Park and decided to emulate the pattern onto her Utah shoes using her signature Sharpie paint pens.

This project was truly inspiring to Jordana as both a citizen of the United States and as an artist. She learned specifically how connected people feel to each state, and realized her own pride she takes in Florida, her home state, Michigan, where she went to college, and New York, where she currently works and resides. This project has also created a connection between Jordana and each of these five states.

She has continued to learn and grow from this project even after the bidding has ended as she reflects on the comments and constructive criticism given by the residents of each state. Thank you Refinery29 and Adidas for giving each artist and specifically, Jordana, this amazing opportunity!!
Click the links below to see the shoes and learn more about this inspiring project- all proceeds go to Women Win!